The Janes have re-entered the recording studio to start laying down tracks for recording #2. Stay tuned for more details. Sept. ’23
The Janes continue to get airplay across the country, including in our own home state, Washington, as well as New Jersey, Indiana, Vermont, and lots of that boundary-erasing internet radio. Excellent feedback for our trio’s maiden voyage into recording.
Meanwhile, here’s a video of “Horse,” written by Kathleen, shot and edited by photographer/videographer Sheila Addleman at the helm: Sept. ’23
Stills from the video:

The Go Janes first CD!!!!
December 12, 2022 We are so delighted to announce the completion and release of our first recording. With the loving assistance of our GoFundMe donors, we were able to finish what we started pre-pandemic, the fruit of countless hours of our favorite kind of work. The recording features 13 songs, written collectively or by each member of the Janes. We couldn't be happier with the results, and we hope that you will be too. The best way to access and download our music is via Bandcamp (they actually pay musicians the highest percentage of any digital platform).
GO FUND ME — SUPER SUCCESS! — December 6, 2022
Many thanks to the 80+ people who helped make our first GoFundMe a splendid success. We are honored and delighted to receive so much support from our community near and far. Our CD's are being pressed now, and we'll have digital downloads for all our donors by the end of December. We're thrilled to share our music with everyone soon.
GO FUND ME -- OCTOBER 26, 2022 The Janes are knee-deep in our very first GoFundMe campaign, and it's going gangbusters. Not too late to join in the giving fun. We set a modest goal of $5K to complete our very first recording, which has been in the works for four years (two interrupted by the pandemic). We're excited that so many in our communities have stepped up to help us birth this baby. So happy to soon share this labor of love with everyone.
September 10, 2022
The Go Janes are working in the studio on their first full-length recording. With the help of the inestimable David Lange, and the equally stunning Ben Lange, the Janes are preparing to share the fruits of their labors this fall. We’ve launch our first Go Fund Me campaign to help pay for the final recording, mixing, mastering, licensing, mailing, duplication, etc — all of this is expensive!! Especially with gigs being canceled left and right due to COVID!! Stay tuned to Facebook and Instagram (as well as right here) for updates.
March, 2022
Ah friends, these past two years have been a long cold lonely winter in more ways than one. But as the earth stirs into emergence every year, so stir the Go Janes. Check out our gigs, and/or join our email list. We’ll be adding more dates as details are set and send you a note.
We’ve actually been pretty darn creative in the midst of all the languishing, so we have lots of great new music to share. We’ve missed you and can’t wait to sing for you again!

Spring 2022
Thank you, purchasers of our PAINTED ROCKS! We’re delighted to have completed and released five songs, fresh outta the gate, with rock and (mostly pre-pandemic) gig money!